Story tertinggal keretapi hehehe..stroy semalam tapi hari nie baru nak cite..(",)..yesterday birthday mother in law aku so malam tadi kami empat beranak celebrate la birthday ummie.. beli cake dengan makanan than celebrate la dekat rumah je , nak kuar malas coz hujan .. pas habis makan mata aku nie macam di gam2 pulak..sampai tengah layan BW aku boleh tersengguk2 , tue yang x sempat story semalam tue..pape pun Happy birthday to ummie , may allah bless you always..we all love you so much...
many hepi returns of the day ya....
stiap doa yg terbaek kami aminkan.... aminnnnnnnnn... (",)
Selamat Hari Lahir untuk ibu mertua Amy yer
Hi Amy, I was at Manje's place and about to check out noticed your lovely profile pic and slammed my brakes, buat U turn busybody over.
Nice blog you have.
And many happy returns of the day to your MIL.
Tell her a birthday is just another 365 day trip around the sun. Enjoy the trip.
I love your header pics. Really very beautiful.
You have a pleasant day and keep a song in your heart. Best regards, Lee.
wahh sambut besday ibu mertua...menantu yg baek ni...
hepy besday bt MIL ye..
selamat hari lahir untuk beliau
Selamat Hari lahir buat umie akak
semoga panjang umur dan bahagia selalu
heppy beday utk ummie amy yer..
hepi besday..
semoga ibu mertu dipanjangkan umur dn dimurahkan rezeki n sihat sejahtera di samping anak2 dn menantu......
bagus ada anak2 yg ingat besday mak...hehehehe
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