Now lets take a moment and think about it. When you didnt have a boyfriend, friends stay with you. when you have a boyfriend, friends stay with you. (eventhough you ignore them, choose to be with your bf instead your friends), when you fight with your boyfriend, friends stay with you, when you broke up with your boyfriend, friends stay with you and when you are single again, friends stay with you.
Now, I didnt mean to say that everyone should not have a boyfriend but we must know how to balance between bf and friends. You may choose your bf instead your friends at the moment but one day you will be crawling back to your friends and they will take you to their laps eventhough you stink!:)
Friends know you like the back of their hands. but bf? sometimes they barely know you.
ngee~! just wanna write a sentimental post. (:
1 comment:
what if the friend becomes the boyfriend.. haa this is when the other boy friend becomes fiend..
err mende aku cakap nih..
kuman "Jangan..." Entry
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