I know that i don’t say it or show it enough but, i really do love you very very much. when i prayed to God for the perfect husband he gave ME exactly what i wanted and that’s you. You are the best friend and husband anyone could ask for , im are very blessed to have you in our lives. Simple things make you happy and you never fuss for anything and you are always contented with the little you have..♥
I have learned so much from you over the years that we have been together and i strive to acquire the qualities that you possess.I am very proud to be your wife and look forward to spending the rest of my life with you on earth and eternity in heaven. ♥
I do say it as much as i should but today im saying to the world that i LOVE YOU VERY MUCH and wouldn't trade you for anything. You are my friend and my rock and you deserve much more thank you get.That will all change..♥
Happy Birthday sayang,
i pray that God bless you with many more wonderful ones to come..
I love you
Dedicated this lovely song to my papaboo Amirul Ridzuan ♥♥♥
happy b'day to ur husband
Selamat hari ulangtahun kelahiran Amirul Ridzuan. Semoga Allah mengurniakan kalian dengan segala kebaikan. :)
Happy Birthday to suami Amy yea..
selamat hari lahir semoga panjang umur murah rezeki
Amin2, ;)
happy birthday En. Amirul Ridzuan
selamat juga utk kamu sekeluarga.... huhuhu
jengah belog kamu kejap
epy bday utk en suami akak... semoga sihat sejahtera n bahagia di samping akak yek
happy birthday to en.husband
happy birthday buat suami Amy... semoga diberikan kesihatan yang baik dan dimurahkan rezeki selalu hendaknya
Happy birthday semoga berbahagia disisi isteri tersayang (:
Happy Birthday 2 hubby Amy..
Moga diberkati dunia & akhirat..
Epy Besday to your hubby Amy.. Moga pjg umur, murah rezeki.. Amin
Happy birthday utk en. hubbynye juge.. semoga dipanjangkan umur, kekal bahagia rumah tangga korang hingga ke syurga.. InsyaAllahh.... Jaga wifenye bebaik yeeeee...
Happy besday to your hubby..
Moga panjang umur dan sentiasa dimurahkan rezeki..
Happy Birthday. Semoga dipanjangkan umur, dimurahi rezeki, sihat dan gembira selalu dan saling sayang menyayangi. aaminn.
sanah helwah utk asben amy..
*belathed besday*
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