Sep 6, 2010


namewe if u wanna be a cheap nothing artist

just buck ur butts n do so no need to drop our msian images

to other countries or if u dont like being a pr msian

many other people fr the world would like

just go back to ur china land or town or what soever

remember u di beranakan di hospital malaysia

so harap u berterima kasih pada kerajaan malaysia.

p/s: i thot u were a highly educated person but after listening to ur song n doings actually u tk ubah mcm org giler di hosp bahagia itu at least they r really giler n dont make such doings to make other people to live in harmony
become unhappy just becos of u NAMEWEE!!!please stop all these nonsense b4 god put an end to u kalau mati tk apa tk menyusahkan org takut 1/2 mati!!!!!!


eelobor said...

budak tu ada masalah mental sket kut....

Kak Amy said...

mungkin juga...

ozzy said...

patut dah ambil tindakan kat mamat ni..dah berapa kali dah dia buat hal..

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